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Главная » 2012 » Август » 9 » NextLIMIT Maxwell Render 2.7.10 x32/x64 With Plug-in
NextLIMIT Maxwell Render 2.7.10 x32/x64 With Plug-in

Maxwell Render может полностью охватить все взаимодействия света между всеми элементами сцены, освещение и все расчеты производятся с использованием спектральной информации и высокий динамический диапазон данных.

Due to its very nature, Maxwell Render enables users to create accurate and extremely realistic images. Maxwell Render is a recognized standard in architectural visualization, product design, jewelry, film production, scientific research and other high-end rendering markets, and the leader in render quality.

Maxwell Render is a rendering engine that accepts models and scenes created in 3D or CAD applications. Several of these applications are directly supported through a Maxwell Render plug-in; others can be used in conjunction with Maxwell Render by importing the geometry into Maxwell Studio, a component of the software.

What's new in 2.7

- Grass generator which allows you to quickly create grass on a selected piece of geometry

- MXI/MXS compression: File sizes 4x smaller with the new compression system for MXI files, especially when using additional render channels

- A new 3d vectorial displacement type for RealFlow displacement

Год: 2012
Язык: английский
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 939,75 Мб

[center]Скачать NextLIMIT Maxwell Render 2.7.10 x32/x64 With Plug-in[/center]
Категория: Программы | Просмотров: 92 | Добавил: gorodoksmol | Теги: Nextlimit, Maxwell, Render 2.7.10 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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