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Главная » 2013 » Февраль » 11 » NetOp Remote Control 11.11
NetOp Remote Control 11.11
[center]NetOp Remote Control 11.11 | 51.8 MB[/center]
Netop Remote Control обеспечивает быстрый, безопасный и надежный доступ к любому устройству в вашей организации. С помощью нашего решения Service Desk, вы можете контролировать, диагностировать и контролировать компьютеры практически в любом месте.

Be fast. Users expect support whether they're at the office, sitting in the airport or staying up late. Netop lets you work as if you were in front of their computer, so you don't have to spend time calling, emailing or trying to imagine problems you can't see.

Be cost-efficient. With consolidated remote support, centralized deployment and intuitive chat tools (text, audio and video), Netop cuts your IT travel costs as well as your response time, streamlining your support efficiencies and lowering your overhead

Be everywhere. Take control of all your devices: servers, PCs, mobile, embedded. Support all your customers, wherever they are. Do so securely across heterogeneous networks, without configuring firewalls, proxies or routers, and without relying on third-party servers.

Be secure. Perform remote support, file transfer and maintenance with industry-leading encryption and the most comprehensive security on the market. Define user privileges at a granular level, and safely enforce who is allowed to do what, where, when.

[center]Скачать NetOp Remote Control 11.11[/center]
Категория: Программы | Просмотров: 167 | Добавил: gorodoksmol | Теги: NetOp, control, Remote | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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