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Главная » 2012 » Август » 12 » Siemens PLM NX MP01 (x86/x64)
Siemens PLM NX MP01 (x86/x64)

Обеспечение High Definition PLM для разработки продукции, NX 8 пересматривает производительность с мощным набором интегрированных CAD, CAE и CAM решений. NX 7 использует все преимущества High Definition PLM технологий Framework для улучшения принятия решений на протяжении всего процесса разработки продукта.

NX is a next-generation digital product development system that helps companies transform the product lifecycle. With the industry's broadest suite of integrated, fully associative CAD/CAM/CAE applications, NX touches the full range of development processes in product design, manufacturing and simulation. NX provides a complete suite of integrated process automation tools to enable companies to capture and reuse product and process knowledge encouraging the use of corporate best practice.

NX delivers a complete set of flexible shape creation, manipulation, and analysis tools and is an integrated part of a complete digital product development solution. NX software is an ideal tool for the challenges faced by package designers in the consumer packaged goods and food & beverage industries.

NX mechanical design tools deliver superior power, productivity, flexibility, and coordination for product development. NX streamlines and accelerates electromechanical systems design with a solution that integrates mechanical, electrical, and electronic components. NX streamlines and accelerates electromechanical systems design with a solution that integrates mechanical, electrical, and electronic components.

NX provides the industry’s broadest range of multi-discipline simulation solutions that leverage powerful capabilities in model preparation, solving, and post processing. NX includes simulation solutions for all of the primary failure modes for electromechanical products: temperature, vibration, and dust or humidity.

NX Tooling applications extend design productivity and efficiency into manufacturing, dynamically linking to product models for accurate tooling, molds, dies, and workholding fixtures. NX CAM delivers a complete solution for machine tool programming that maximizes throughput of the most advanced machine tools.

NX engineering process management, powered by Teamcenter, provides a single source of product engineering and process knowledge, seamlessly integrated with CAD, CAM, and CAE. NX CMM Inspection Programming enables you to automate programming to save time and improve accuracy. Mechatronics Concept Designer helps you design machines with greater speed and quality by providing a complete, end-to-end solution that enables easier collaboration between disciplines, reuse of existing knowledge, and better decision making through concept evaluation.

Год: 2012
Язык: английский
Таблетка: присутствует
Размер: 2.44 Gb

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Категория: Программы | Просмотров: 119 | Добавил: gorodoksmol | Теги: Siemens, PLM, MP01, NX | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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